Laboratory Professions

Training Laboratory Technicians in the Subject Areas of Biology and Chemistry

At the training centres in Muttenz (BL) and Neuhausen (SH), aprentas delivers specialist training to approx. 250 laboratory technicians in the subject areas of Biology and Chemistry. The training takes place in 16 chemistry laboratories, 8 biology laboratories and 25 modern training rooms.

At the teaching laboratory in Bern, aprentas conducts inter-company courses for apprentices learning the profession of laboratory technician (Federal VET Diploma) in the subject areas of Biology and Chemistry. 

The basic training has three main focuses:

  • Communicating the basic theoretical knowledge in our vocational training school
  • Practical training in our training centres
  • Consolidating and developing practical specialist knowledge in the laboratories of the apprenticeship companies

The comprehensive training in the aprentas laboratories reduces the burden on the apprenticeship companies of having to deliver the practical basic training that requires intensive supervision.
In the vocational training school, the apprentices receive training in general and job-specific subjects. The vocational training school forms part of the training centre in Muttenz and helps to enhance learning by aligning theory and practical lessons.
Regular contact with the teachers in the apprenticeship companies enables the training to be optimised on a regular basis and ensures the quality.

More information on the laboratory professions:
subject area biology
subject area chemistry



Konrad Bruttel